A Maldives Photo Gallery of Paradise Beaches. 20 Dreamy Photos

A Maldives Photo Gallery of 20 dreamy beaches featuring a selection of our photos taken while traveling around the archipelago.

A Maldives Photo Gallery of 20 dreamy photos beaches by Dreaming of MaldivesA Maldives Photo Gallery of 20 dreamy beaches by Dreaming of Maldives

Having explored the the Maldives islands for 2 decades and printed 3 photography books about the island nation, we have 1000’s of dreamy images of the country
From time to time, besides our daily Maldives Pic on our facebook page, I shared here with you some of these dreamy images in various photo galleries.

More Maldives Photos

I invite you to discover more of our photos at dreamingofmaldives.com main website in the 3 sections below.

click to Browse more Photo galleries on Dreaming of Maldives main website

If you want to see only beaches, have a look at 50 photos of Paradise Beaches we shot in the Maldives here on the blog.

Maldives Photo Gallery. 20 Dreamy Photos of Paradise Beaches

The Maldives have some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. The Islands have white and fine sand spread over thousands of kilometers.
All islands are encircled by a lagoon blessed with crystal clear water. With their white sandy beaches, turquoise crystal blue seas and scenic coconut palms surrounding everywhere, the Maldives are portrayed by many as tropical paradise.
The Maldives also offer one of the most exclusive and spectacular underwater life and are known to be a Snorkeling Paradise.

All Photos © Sakis / Dreaming of Maldives

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The Maldives Islands belong to the small and exclusive list of the Ultimate Place to see. Paradisiacal and unique in the World, they are an invitation to Dream and their breathtaking landscapes make this dream a reality. Located astride the equator, south of India and west of Sri Lanka, their fascinating beauty resides in a unique geography exclusively made of natural atolls, sandy islands and reefs, scattered like gems and stretching along 823 km (511 miles). The beauty of their pristine lagoons and sandy beaches along with their splendid aerial views make the Maldives an Absolute Paradise.

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